Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Use of Checked and Unchecked keyword in C#

Here I am going to explain what the use of checked and unchecked keyword in C#. Here I am taking the some content from MSDN to explain about it. A checked context, arithmetic overflow raises an exception. In an unchecked context, arithmetic overflow is ignored and the result is truncated.
  • Checked Specify checked context.
  • unchecked Specify unchecked context.
The following operations are affected by the overflow checking:
  • Expressions using the following predefined operators on integral types:
    ++ — - (unary) + - * /
  • Explicit numeric conversions between integral types.
The checked/unchecked compiler option lets you specify checked or unchecked context for all integer arithmetic statements that are not explicitly in the scope of a checked or unchecked keyword. Now I am going to explain one by one.
The checked keyword is used to control the overflow-checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions. It can be used as an operator or a statement according to the following forms.

The checked statement:
checked block
The statement block that contains the expressions to be evaluated in a checked context.
The checked operator:
checked (expression)
The expression to be evaluated in a checked context. Notice that the expression must be in parentheses ( ).
The unchecked keyword is used to control the overflow-checking context for integral-type arithmetic operations and conversions. It can be used as an operator or a statement according to the following forms.

The unchecked statement :
unchecked block
The statement block that contains the expressions to be evaluated in an unchecked context.

The unchecked operator :
unchecked (expression)
The expression to be evaluated in an unchecked context. Notice that the expression must be in parentheses ( ).
namespace Checked_Unchecked
    class Program
        public short a = 30000;
        public short b = 20000;
        public short c;

        public int Add()
                c = checked((short)(a + b));

            catch (System.OverflowException e)
            return c;

        public int Mul()
                    c = (short)(a * b);
            catch (System.OverflowException e)
            return c;

        public int Add_Unchecked()
                c = unchecked((short)(a + b));

            catch (System.OverflowException e)
            return c;

        public int Mul_Unchecked()
                    c = (short)(a * b);
            catch (System.OverflowException e)
            return c;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program p = new Program();

            // For checked
            Console.WriteLine("Checked output value is: {0}", p.Add());
            Console.WriteLine("Checked output value is: {0}", p.Mul());
            // For Unchecked
            Console.WriteLine("Checked output value is: {0}", p.Add_Unchecked());
            Console.WriteLine("Checked output value is: {0}", p.Mul_Unchecked());

